Arts. 1397-1398. [Repealed. Acts 1991, No. 689, §1]
Art. 1399. When partitions, in which minors, persons interdicted, or absent persons are interested, have been made with all the formalities prescribed by law for judicial partitions, they can not be rescinded for any other causes than those which would authorize the rescission of partitions made by persons of age and present. [Acts 1991, No. 107, §1]
Art. 1400. But if these formalities have not been fulfilled, as the partition is only considered as provisional, it is not necessary to sue for the rescission of it, but a new partition may be demanded for the least lesion, which the minor, person interdicted, or absent person, may have suffered. [Acts 1991, No. 107, §1]
Art. 1401. The mere omission of a thing, belonging to the succession, is not ground for rescission, but simply for a supplementary partition.
Art. 1402. The action of the rescission mentioned in the foregoing articles takes place in the cases prescribed by law, not only against all acts bearing the title of partition, but even against all those which tend to the division of property between coheirs, whether such acts be called sales, exchanges, compromises, or by any other name.
Art. 1403. But, after the partition, or the act operating the same effect, the action of rescission can no longer be admitted against a compromise made to put an end to disputes arising in consequence of the first act, although there should be no suit commenced on the subject.
Art. 1404. The action of rescission is not admitted against a sale of successive rights, made without fraud to one of the heirs and at his risk by the other coheirs or any of them.
Art. 1405. The sale of successive rights by one heir to his coheir is not subject to rescission, if the purchaser has run no risk; as, for example, if the vendor remains bound for the payment of the debts.
Art. 1406. In order that the purchaser be not liable to this action, it is besides necessary that the vendor should have ceded to him all his successive rights, that is, all the rights he had in the succession. If he has only sold his part in the immovables to be divided, this sale shall be subject to rescission for lesion beyond a fourth.
Art. 1407. This sale shall be subject to rescission, if it be proved that, at the time it was made, the purchaser alone knew the value of the succession, and permitted the vendor to remain in ignorance of it.
Art. 1408. The defendant in the suit for rescission may stop its course and prevent a new partition, by offering and giving to the plaintiff the supplement of his hereditary portion, either in money or in kind, provided the rescission is not demanded for cause of violence or fraud.
Art. 1409. When the defendant is admitted to prevent a new partition, as is said in the preceding article, if he furnishes the supplement in money, it must be with interest from the day of the institution of the suit; if he furnishes it in effects, he is bound to restore the fruits from the same day.
Art. 1410. The coheir who has alienated his share or part of it, is no longer admitted to bring the action of rescission for fraud or violence, if the alienation he has made was posterior to the discovery of the fraud, or to the cessation of the violence.
Art. 1411. If the partition has been regulated by the father among his children, no restitution can take place, even in favor of minors, when, by such partition, one or more of the heirs have received more than the others, unless that overplus should exceed the portion which the father had a right to dispose of.
Art. 1412. The minor who obtains relief against a partition, relieves those of full age; for the partition can not subsist for one, and be annulled for another.
Art. 1413. Suits for the rescission of partitions are prescribed by the lapse of five years from the date thereof, and in case of error and fraud, from the day in which they are discovered.
Art. 1414. This prescription, in case of lesion, runs against minors as well as against persons of age, when the partition has been made judicially and with all the forms prescribed by law.